Photo by:  Mark Pastor



Amy Saletta KPA-CTP

Program Manager

Many years ago an incident with my own family dog is what led me to the world of animal behavior and training. My otherwise sweet, lovable, dog one day ran off my property and bit a neighbor “out of the blue”. What I didn’t understand at the time was how stressed and upset he was, and had I known what I know now, I would have recognized the signs and could have prevented that from happening.

Now a certified training partner of the Karen Pryor Academy of Animal Training and Behavior, and with over ten years experience, my client base includes people with new puppies as well as families who have adopted adult dogs. My main desire is in helping them understand how to best communicate with, train, and ultimately bond with their new companion.

In the past when I’ve been called to help a family with their new dog, I was dealing with frustrated people who were trying desperately to get their adopted dog to fit into their household. Many of the problems they faced could have been avoided with education and management from the day they brought their new dog home.

I am thrilled and proud to be a part of the A Sound Beginning Program training team! The Path to Success gives adoptive families the tools and support they need to minimize frustration for both them and the dog. Plus, it promotes a strong bond of love and acceptance for each other and helps to create a “forever family” for a dog who simply needed a second chance.

  • Certified Training Partner thru the Karen Pryor Academy of Animal Training and Behavior.
  • Member APDT: Association of Professional Dog Trainers
  • Presenter for the Doggone Safe, “Be A Tree” Dog Bite Prevention program
  • Owner/Trainer The Puppy Professor – Private & Group Puppy Training

Get the Book

Whether you’ve adopted OR got your dog from a breeder, etc., the resources within this book will provide insight into behavior to prevent problems and begin a sound future.

Quick Start Package

Would you like to know more about your dog? Would you like to prevent mistakes and create a positive training plan? Check out our Intro to Training (Virtual) class for free.

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In-Home Training

For those who prefer personalized training in the comfort of your home, we offer several options with our experienced behavioral training affiliates using only humane, science-based methods.

Modular Classes

Make a sound investment for a lifetime of happiness. CLASSES are available IN-PERSON (Chicagoland) or VIRTUAL (anywhere) --- OR --- you can mix & match on your Path to Success.