I'll Be Home Soon!


How to Prevent and Treat Separation Anxiety.

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How to Prevent and Treat Separation Anxiety.

How to Prevent and Treat Separation Anxiety.

More than ninety percent of dog owners consider their pets to be members of their family. But often, despite our best intentions, we are letting our dogs down by not giving them the guidance and direction they need.

Unwanted behavior is the number-one reason dogs are relinquished to shelters and rescue groups.

The key to training dogs effectively is first to understand why our dogs do what they do. And no one can address this more authoritatively than the diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Behavior, whose work, the culmination of years of rigorous training, takes them deep into the minds of dogs in an effort to decode how they think, how they communicate, and how they learn.

In Decoding Your Dog, these experts analyze problem behaviors, decipher the latest studies, and correct common misconceptions and outmoded theories. The book includes:

  • Effective, veterinary-approved positive training methods

  • Expert advice on socialization, housetraining, diet, and exercise

  • Remedies for behavior problems such as OCD and aggression

With Decoding Your Dog the experts deliver a must-have dog behavior guide that ultimately challenges the way we think about our dogs.If you worry about leaving your dog home alone, both because you love your dog and your house, I'll Be Home Soon by Patricia McConnell is the book for you. Figure out if your dog's behavior is caused by genuine separation anxiety or just bad manners and learn how to help or better yet, prevent problems in the first place!

Separation Anxiety (SA) is a serious problem in which your dog panics at your departure and stays panicked until you return. Clear and concise, this easy-to-read booklet is written for anyone who wants to leave the house knowing that their dog is happy and their house is safe.

You’ll learn:

  • How to distinguish between SA and a dog acting out of boredom

  • What causes your dog’s SA, and how to determine her specific triggers

  • A safe and effective treatment plan

  • What to expect as you work through treatment

  • How to be proactive and take steps to prevent SA from happening in the first place

Publisher: Distributed by Dogwise Publishing
Edition: 2000 Paperback, 36 pages

Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D., CAAB is an Ethologist and Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist who has consulted dog lovers for over twenty years. She is the author of ten books, including The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs and For the Love of a Dog: Understanding Emotion in You and Your Best Friend. Trisha lives on a farm near Madison, Wisconsin with two dogs, one cat and a flock of sheep.